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Public Consultation on Introduction of MEPS and MELS for Water Heaters and Commercial Storage Refrigerators
NEA seeks feedback on introducing energy performance standards and labelling for water heaters and commercial storage refrigerators.
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National Environment Agency
Consultation Period: 12 Jan 2024 - 03 Feb 2024
Status: Closed
Detailed Description
The National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore is seeking feedback on the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme (MELS) for:
I. Water heaters (WHs)
II. Commercial Storage Refrigerators (CSRs)
The consultation exercise will start on 12 January 2024 and end on 3 February 2024.
2. Singapore had raised its national climate ambition to reduce emissions to around 60 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2030 after peaking emissions earlier. To work towards this goal, Singapore has to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by using less carbon-intensive fuels, and by improving energy efficiency.
3. Both MELS and the MEPS are key policies undertaken by the Government to reduce energy consumption and emissions through using energy-efficient appliances and equipment. MELS provide information to consumers so that they can take into account the energy costs when purchasing energy consuming appliances, while MEPS aim to raise the average energy efficiency of products in the market by removing the least energy efficient appliances from the market.
4. Thus far, MELS and MEPS have been effective in improving the energy efficiency of appliances. For example, the average energy efficiency of air-conditioners and refrigerators have improved by 59 per cent and 42 per cent respectively since the introduction of the schemes. The Government will progressively expand the MELS and MEPS to cover an increasing variety of appliances and is planning to implement MELS and MEPS to water heaters and commercial storage refrigerators starting from 1st April 2025.
5. When this proposal is adopted, applicable water heaters and commercial storage refrigerators will be regulated under the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations (“EC(RG&RS)R”) and such goods will be required to:
a) Be registered;
b) Meet MEPS, and
c) Be labelled with an Energy Label
I. Proposed Introduction of MEPS and MELS for water heaters
6. Water Heater is the 3rd most energy-intensive appliance used in households, making up about 10% of a typical household’s energy consumption. There are different types of water heaters used in residential households and also a varied efficiency level for such water heaters. The proposed regulations will cover the following types of water heaters:
Proposed regulations for the types of water heater
Water Heater Type | Rated Input Power | Tank Capacity |
Electric Storage Water Heater | ≤ 5 kW | ≤ 200L |
Electric Instantaneous Water Heater | ≤ 5 kW | - |
Gas Instantaneous Water Heater | ≤ 59 kW | - |
Heat Pump Water Heater | ≤ 1 kW | ≤ 200L |
7. The energy efficiency of all applicable water heaters will be determined by the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) as defined under Singapore Standard 646. The water heater types in the table above will be rated on a 5-tick rating scale and the MEPS level for these water heater types will be set at the 1-tick level.
Energy Efficiency Ratings and MEPS for UEF Ranges
Tick | Energy Efficiency Ratings/ MEPS | UEF Range |
5 Tick | Excellent | 1 < UEF |
4 Tick | Very Good | 0.85 < UEF ≤ 1 |
3 Tick | Good | 0.7 < UEF ≤ 0.85 |
2 Tick | Fair | 0.55 < UEF ≤ 0.7 |
1 Tick | Low | 0.4 ≤ UEF ≤ 0.55 |
MEPS | UEF ≥ 0.4 |
II. Proposed Introduction of MELS and MEPS for Commercial Storage Refrigerators
8. Commercial storage refrigerator (CSR) is one of the major contributor to the utility cost of F&B establishments. The use of inefficient commercial storage refrigerators can result in high energy cost to F&B establishments.
9. The energy efficiency of all applicable CSR will be determined by the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) and to be tested according to climate class 4 condition in ISO 22041. CSR will be rated on a 5-tick rating scale and the MEPS level for CSR is set at the 1-tick level. The proposed regulation will cover all capacities of chillers, freezers, and combinations type CSR. Customised commercial storage refrigerator is excluded from the requirement.
Energy Efficiency Ratings and MEPS by EEI Range
Tick rating | Energy Efficiency Ratings/ MEPS | EEI Range |
5 Tick | Excellent | EEI < 20 |
4 Tick | Very Good | 20 ≤ EEI < 40 |
3 Tick | Good | 40 ≤ EEI < 60 |
2 Tick | Fair | 60 ≤ EEI < 80 |
1 Tick | Low | 80 ≤ EEI ≤ 95 |
MEPS | EEI ≤ 95 |
where EEI is defined as (AEC/SAEC) x 100
AEC = annual energy consumption of the cabinet in kWh/year
SAEC = standard annual energy consumption of the cabinet in kWh/year
Public Consultation
10. NEA invites members of the public to share your views on the proposed introduction of MELS and MEPS for both water heaters and commercial storage refrigerators. All comments received during the consultation exercise will be reviewed and may be incorporated into the final measure. Interested parties can submit their feedback to NEA_energylabel@nea.gov.sg. The consultation exercise will end on 3 February 2024.
11. To ensure that the consultation is productive and focused, respondents are requested to observe these guidelines when providing their feedback:
a) Identify yourself as well as the organisation you represent (if any) so that we may follow up with you to clarify any issues, if necessary
b) Be clear and concise in your comments
c) Focus your comments on the proposal to introduce MEPS and MELS for water heaters and/or commercial storage refrigerators and how it can be improved
d) As far as possible, substantiate your points with illustrations, examples, data or alternative suggestions